Build a robust French Quantum Ecosystem
and lead the industrial revolution

By the numbers

Members and partners

Year of fondation

Pack quantique

Public Partnerships

Core values behaviors

A unifying project, spearheading the
French quantum revolution

1. Federate

The ecosystem to create synergies

2. Embody

The quantum revolution in France with the public, the foreign and the private sector 

3. Develop

Collaboration between players, the technological sovereignty of our country

4. Inspire

Vocations, breakthrough projects

Meet the team

E. Shishenina


J-G. Boinot

Vice President

K. Bounegta

General Manager

Y. Tran

Program Manager

C. Dalyac

Head Of Student 

A. Krajenbrink

Head of Corporate relations

J. Landman

Head of Content

V. Giesz

Head of International 

Guillaume Lerouge

G. Lerouge

Head of Investor  Relationships

F. de Maupeou

Head of Investor

E. Bermot

Head of European 

teddy bear


Our story

  • 2023

    Inauguration of Les Maisons du Quantique at Station F

  • 2023

    BIG Hackathon at BCG by QuantX


Le Lab Quantique Celebrates The Launch of France’s First Maison du Quantique — House of Quantum

The Quantum Insider, 27/10/23

Station F accueille une «Maison du Quantique» pour davantage fédérer l’écosystème français

Maddyness, 23/10/23

Station F : lancement de “La Maison du quantique” pour “accompagner au mieux les acteurs de l’écosystème français”

aefinfo, 23/10/23